23 Ways To Caffeinated Yourself With Espresso
by Piotr Golinski
The other day I was watching Tik Toks in my bed when I came across one about a barista’s experience with a dumb customer wherein they ask for a mocha without chocolate, to which the barista replies, “so then just a latte?” The customer -visibly upset- says “no a mocha without chocolate!” Which, if you know coffee, is just a latte. Another great experience I hear a lot is people not wanting their americano watered down, yet an americano is just espresso and hot water.
So this got me thinking about how many espresso drinks and variations of it exist and boy was I surprised to find troves of them online! Check out the chart below and if you’re curious like me and want to avoid being the person who inspires baristas to make frustrated Tik Toks about them, then keep reading to see all the wonderful coffee options you have. Who knows maybe you’ll try some out and find a new favourite! Hint: TRY THE AFFOGATO!
Simplest drink, it’s just one shot of espresso comprised of a single shot filter and six to eight grams of finely ground coffee.Ristretto
Stronger than espresso, this is also six to eight grams of finely ground coffee, but only half the amount of water.Doppio (Double Shot)
It’s what it sounds like, more finely ground coffee and more water equals two shots of espresso in one!Cappuccino
A special ratio of one third shot espresso, one third hot milk, and one third milk foam. So yes, don’t be surprised when it seems like one third of the drink is missing, that’s the light as air foam top! If you’re a fan of the foam and want less milk, ask for a dry cappuccino!Cafe Latte
Or otherwise just known as a Latte. I’m sure you have had this before and love it, but in case you wanted to start making it at home, you’ll put one third shot of espresso, two thirds hot milk, and a topping of microfoam (comes from adding steam and air in the milk). Often anything more than 8 ounces will be made with a Doppio or double shot and you can’t forget a sprinkle of cinnamon, brown sugar, or cocoa powder on top!Piccolo Latte
“Piccolo” means “small” in Italian, so this is just a small latte, often served in an espresso or demitasse cup. A piccolo uses a ristretto shot (so less water, more caffeine)and topped with some warm milk.Mocha
This is a sweeter coffee drink made by combining a latte with a chocolate syrup or cocoa powder to add chocolate flavour. Caramel or peppermint also work wonderfully in this type of drink and if you want to go the extra mile, add whipped cream on top and a few stripes of chocolate syrup as garnish.Espresso Macchiato
Simple and tasty this is a shot of espresso and a small amount of steamed milk and foam added to it. Basically a miniature and stronger latte.Latte Macchiato
This is the espresso machiatto but more milk. Pour a third to a half cup of milk and add the shot of espresso on top. For a true authentic look, serve unmixed with the coffee colours sitting on top of the milk.Americano
This is an upgraded cup of coffee. Simply add hot water to a single or double shot of espresso. Amount will depend on your own preferences. I personally like a 1:3 ratio of espresso to hot water.Lungo
This is the opposite of the ristretto, but still stronger than a single shot of espresso. You pull twice as much water (instead of half) through the same amount of coffee grounds and it will appear similar to an americano but have a different flavour.Flat White
One of my favourites, this one is a cappuccino but without milk foam and a little more espresso and milkCortado
Another one that I’ve tried and love. Equal amounts of espresso and steamed milk means you get the creaminess of the milk but the coffee is equally present and does not taste too diluted. A latte for those who want more coffee flavour.Red Eye
Now to some of the more unique drinks. A red eye is strong and highly caffeinated. Brew one cup of coffee and then add a single shot of espresso.Black Eye
Want something stronger than the red eye? Make it a double shot of espresso and now you’ve got a black eye.Dripped Eye
Are you seeing a pattern? This one is a cup of coffee with three shots of espresso. If you find yourself contemplating this one, maybe just succumb to your tiredness and take a nap instead.Lazy Eye
This one is a little less caffeinated by using decaf coffee and two regular sots of espresso, so it’s not considered a decaf drink. I’m not quite sure why you’d want this combination to be honest. I guess if you want the taste of something that is super strong but you don’t want to actually test the limits of your heart beat?Black Tie
These drinks are ones you should definitely try! They’re the fun ones! Use thai tea as a base instead of coffee (like a red eye) and add a double shot (doppio) of espresso.Affogato
An absolute must try. Pour a shot of espresso over a scoop of ice cream. Obviously vanilla will look the best, but any flavour you have on hand will do. It’s luxurious, beautiful, bitter, sweet and creamy perfection.Espresso Con Panna
Espresso with cream! Similar to ice cream but instead just add espresso to some whipped cream and enjoy the combinations as they mix right in your mouth!Galao
This one originates in Portugal and it’s meant for the milk foam lovers. Add a quarter amount of espresso to three quarters amount of milk foam and enjoy!OJ Espresso
This one is fairly new to me and took me a second to appreciate but add a single shot of espresso to a glass of orange juice. Don’t forget to add ice so the espresso doesn’t warm the juice too much. It might not looks the most pleasing colour of brown but the acidity from the coffee and the acidity from the orange juice seem to find some common ground and it’s kind of like drinking a complex orange juice or a really bright coffee.Dirty Chai
Two of my favourite things to combine with milk; espresso and chai tea. Who knew that they also work wonders when combined?! The chai takes the centre stage of flavour profile, but the coffee adds a worthwhile depth and complexity. This a a great drink for those who don’t like the taste of coffee as much as tea but maybe want to still reap the caffeine benefits of the almighty bean.